Morning Walk April 10, 2017 – Alive Poem


Death confronts me today as I step out the door. A constant companion, I rarely note its shadow anymore.

A bird, a pigeon, full and satisfied, belly burst wide open, and it died.

Road under my feet. Wind on my face. Swish of the skirt on my legs as I move through this space.

This beautiful space and this moment in time. It’s not very long, but it’s here, and it’s mine.

Mine to do with, whatever I choose. Mine to enjoy, shape, explore, win or lose.

I stand at a crossroad, but it hardly matters which way I go.

Today, right. Yesterday, left. Tomorrow, I don’t yet know.

A glance at the time and I see that it is late. The train may leave without me, yet, I still hesitate.

The path matters in the moment, and that is all there is,

This moment, full and satisfied, is where this body lives.

My eyes begin to water, as I begin to run. This is a happy consequence of living in the sun.

Today’s choice leads me to a man with a heavy load in a long truck.

His choice has lead to him getting stuck.

He swings too tight and threatens a light, and blocks the traffic flow.

Horns blare, people curse, a woman grips her Gucci purse as she exits her car to stare.

One man, a walker like me, stands his ground, signals to the trucker and guides him around.

The street is clear, the traffic flows. The trucker tips his hat and the walker goes.

I hurry on toward the train, but Death has beaten me there, again.

A pile of bones and raw meat, tossed carelessly to the side of the street.

Tomorrow, that pile may well be me, but for now, I am content to Be.

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