Morning Walk July 25, 2017

A man, about 30, wearing red running shorts, a white short sleeve button down shirt and a teal tie, keeps his head down. His brow knitted together, his mouth a frown and his jaw tightly clenched. The laces of his shoes match his tie.

A woman, dressed in layers of colorful but threadbare fabric, her ruffled skirt pulled up to her knees, sits on a low wall rolling a cigarette on top of a tarot card.

Her full face is done in heavy makeup with a thick blue eyeliner and shadow, and her lips are a deep ruby red. Blush pools in the crevices of her cheeks.

Her long hair is piled on top of her head in a messy bun with at least half a dozen Chinese hair sticks poking out at random intervals.

She glances up as I pass and flashes a gap toothed grin. I wonder, if I asked, would she tell me my fortune.

What did you see?


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