Morning Walk July 13, 2017 – Back to Bad


It could be February for all the grey cool sky and bluish fog that envelops the edges of the city, but the air is still and the streets quiet.

A piebald pigeon enthusiastically tosses a small piece of bread onto the sidewalk repeatedly in an effort to get crumbs to break off it.

A few feet away, two more pigeons poke at the creamy innards of a crushed peanut butter jar and I am reminded of a performance art piece I saw years ago that ended with the artist covered in peanut butter and bird seed.

I don’t have an affinity for that sort of art, but I do like peanut butter very much.

Further on, I pass a man cradling a pipe, huddled in a marble tiled doorway.

Above him, a billboard showcasing several yellow Minions encourages everyone to "Go Back to Bad"

I walk on, and as I cross the street to the station, there’s Gru, in real life, walking next to me.

What did you see?


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