Morning Walk July 14, 2017 – Age of Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs are on my mind as I start my walk today and step over a stenciled stegosaurus Those magnificent beasts of old that ruled this Earth for millennia and arguably still do.

Two hundred years ago, dinosaurs had less relevance than they do today when the search, recovery, commoditization and use of the fuel derived from their rotted and precious flesh drives nations and nature to war and ruin.

Where would we be without their transformed bodies to fuel our daily lives?

Will they still be relevant in a hundred years? Will we?

The sun is bright, so I keep my gaze down and a tag line on a discarded plastic container catches my eye: “Preserve Yourself”

I tighten my stomach, throw back my shoulders, wipe the water that won’t stop flowing from my eyes and walk on.

What did you see?


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