Morning Walk July 23, 2017 – Olympic Race Walking

A slow start with seriously achy muscles leads to hectic morning made more so when I can’t find my train pass.

As I step onto the sidewalk, I transform into the lead in the Olympic Women’s Racewalking qualifying event, imagining a pack of highly trained athletes behind, pushing me toward ever faster speeds.

Mind over muscles, I tell myself, as my quads and back screech in protest.

My arms swing wildly, and I try to emulate the body form I’ve seen racewalkers take: back straight, move from the hips…I’m glad I wore my most comfortable shoes as the people and buildings blur past me.

I imagine I look quite serious and earnest, but the reality is probably probably much closer to the Monty Python sketch on Silly Walks, especially with my bright anime hair.

Door to door it’s 1.12 miles, I make it in 16 minutes and find a seat in my favorite car with minutes to spare.

That qualifies.

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