Morning Walk July 27, 2017 Salesforce

Today I’m wearing purple, why wait for old age?

A man in blue scrubs, a surgeon perhaps, rides his skateboard across the street, his helmet in his hand.

Above us the beautiful and iconic skyline grows under the crystalline sky.

Two brand new towers, the two tallest in the most expensive neighborhood, in the most expensive city in the nation, glint in the sunlight. Soon, two more will join them and the city will be forever altered.

Collectively they’re called the Salesforce Towers. Conceived, owned and built by a company most people have probably never heard of, Salesforce almost certainly knows a lot about you.

This one company, which didn’t exist 20 years ago, is now one of the most highly valued cloud computing companies in the world.

And their main source of revenue is their widely used Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software.

CRM software takes information on individuals from many different sources: email, websites, social media, telephone, live chat, everything, then puts it all together into digestible bits that can be easily used.

These databases are private. You can’t access them, amend them or delete them. You can file a Freedom of Information Act paper to discover them or call someone to find out how it’s being used. It’s all about you, but you don’t have any rights to it.

The sunlight glints off the silvery structure built on details of the personal lives of everyday folks, and I can’t help but notice how much it looks like a bullet.

What did you see?


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