Morning Walk April 3, 2017

Outside the 5th floor window of a building, there is a man wearing safety orange from head to toe, standing in the orange cage of an orange cherry picker pressing a ribbon of green tape against the glass.

A boy wearing a Lego backpack walks underneath.

A man loading a stove into a truck looks up at me with surprise and a happy smile, “I like your hair,” he says as he touches his own conventionally brown cut.

I smile and thank him sincerely.

Further on, a woman in a dark blue coat with white polka dots and purple pants takes pregnant steps forward with her eyes closed.

Another man sitting on a low wall, toothless, flowing white hair and beard with clean pressed clothes, also likes my hair, and I thank him.

Near the train, I pass a friend. He works where I live. His head is down, his face a study of concentration, he does not see me at all.

What did you see?


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