Morning Walk August 3, 2017

Some days, the sparkle and magic of Oz is masked beneath the grey skies of Kansas. Today is one of those days.

The air is heavy, the streets are empty, everything feels the same color, fabric and temperature.

It’s not unpleasant, it’s just not remarkable… and yet…

The Jehova’s Witnesses, in their heels, jackets and ties, unpack their pamphlets and stand certain that today is the day they’ll find one of the 144,000 souls to save. But where will that leave them?

A man sleeps soundly on a bench, his suitcase is his pillow, and he snores.

Everything is muted, even the Conductor. His usual cheery greeting is lower key, but as we pull out, he announces that, “Today is a good day,” and reminds the riders who brought pastries on board that, “Sharing is caring.”

Golden light peeks through the grey and we move forward, while looking back, toward the day.

What did you see?

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