Morning Walk September 7, 2017 – The Clerk

Today I walk behind a forty-ish woman, no more than five feet tall.

The tops of the Tom’s brand shoes on her feet form a V as her quick, short steps bring her arches to the ground.

She carries her weight in her thighs, but her torso is small. Her dark pants decorated with subtle pin stripes, no doubt they lengthen her stride.

A jacket, also dark, but sporting tiny white diamonds in a symmetrical pattern, declare that she is business casual, the white ruffled top peeking out confirms the statement.

Her chin length hair, dyed a medium brown, is parted to the side revealing two inches of steely grey and scalp.

She wears makeup and powder expertly applied over her face, but even that cannot cover the deep smile lines and crows feet around her warm, kind eyes on this fresh morning.

I imagine she may be a stenographer or perhaps a clerk, rejoicing in the newly wed, grieving with the deceased, as she helps them all with the inevitable paperwork. She seems eager to begin.

The man and the parrot blow leaves from my path this morning, and I miss the break in traffic to smile and say hello.

Another break comes.

Orchids, those sexy beasts, their broad, expectant faces turned up, shake and bow as they are loaded into the windowless van.

Fragrant branches, ripped from their roots, their base, from all they know, nevertheless push forth with tender buds, green and soft in the morning.

What did you see?


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