Morning Walk September 19, 2017 – Snowflakes

I imagine I walk like Kerouac, trying to soak in the sights, sounds and stories of the city, but I am less drunk, and so, perhaps less successful.

A Toyota truck sports a chrome greyhound dog on its hood and a chrome spiderweb on its grill.

At the stop light, a private bus, shuttles tech workers and proudly proclaims the number of cars its presence removes from the roads.

A pre-emptive statement meant to counter any frustrated and underpaid non-tech protesters.

Orchids are on sale, their showy season nearly up. They are being replaced by ripe balls of cotton on dried out stems and oak leaf wreaths.

The windows are decorated entirely in white.

Felt snow flakes falling eternally toward their felt covered ends. They are far more resilient and individual then they appear at first glance.

Enough snowflakes together create an avalanche.

Around and above the wintery scenes, tiny white lights fade and blink in surprise at the sunshine.

What did you see?


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