Morning Walk October 27, 2017 – Taste the Rainbow

Today I saw a man with a grey handle bar mustache and a receding hairline, reading a newspaper on a bike.

A woman with a ponytail wore a raccoon costume. Her backpack bounced heavily on her shoulders as she loped toward the train.

The conductor slowed the line to the platform with a big smile and bigger bag of candy.

What did you see?


Morning Walk October 25, 2017 – The End of Poverty

October 25, 2017

There is a small Free Library on my block, often it is empty, the contents eagerly consumed by the literate, or bored.

The two men who regularly take their slumber under the salty lights, with newspaper pillows, and cardboard beds, carry paperbacks harvested from this tiny box. Worn favorites by Koontz, Grisham and Cussler offer an escape from the long, slow, street-wise hours.

But today, a non-fiction work titled “The End of Poverty” languishes prominently on the shelf, though it has a forward by Bono.

A few steps further and I see a $500,000 bill lying unspent and discarded in the weeds.

The end of poverty, indeed.

What did you see?


Morning Walk October 5, 2017 – Chicken

News Flash:

The giant metal chicken that terrorized selected neighborhoods last night, causing nightmares and upset stomachs in countless individuals, was caught and dismantled by members of the Cooks Brigade, a group of mild mannered professional fry cooks/mechanics who tirelessly provide sustenance and transportation to the vast and varied citizenry of this great metropolis.

All the remained was the amputated left foot and a greasy napkin.

Details at 11.

What did you see?


Morning Walk October 4, 2017 – Everyday Magic

Two Chinese take-out boxes,
long noodles gone,
flaps open wide and
tucked into a corner as
if an offering to the ancient asphalt gods

A blink and a turn and
two women pass by, their
lively chatter
dancing through
the air.
The oil in their hair a
heavy perfume.

Down the block there is a spot where
The Scarecrow makes his bed.
His long, unkempt hair,
a wild nest without birds.
Not even pigeons come near.
Most days he sits shirtless,
as still as stone or
scraping at sores
with a razor.

But today,
all that is in his place are
a few pieces of clothing and
a pile of hay.


A block over, the
Man is sitting,
Parrot, behind him
ducks down and
puppy emerges from beneath the

The magic is strong in the City today.

What did you see?
