Morning Walk October 4, 2017 – Everyday Magic

Two Chinese take-out boxes,
long noodles gone,
flaps open wide and
tucked into a corner as
if an offering to the ancient asphalt gods

A blink and a turn and
two women pass by, their
lively chatter
dancing through
the air.
The oil in their hair a
heavy perfume.

Down the block there is a spot where
The Scarecrow makes his bed.
His long, unkempt hair,
a wild nest without birds.
Not even pigeons come near.
Most days he sits shirtless,
as still as stone or
scraping at sores
with a razor.

But today,
all that is in his place are
a few pieces of clothing and
a pile of hay.


A block over, the
Man is sitting,
Parrot, behind him
ducks down and
puppy emerges from beneath the

The magic is strong in the City today.

What did you see?


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