Morning Walk October 25, 2017 – The End of Poverty

October 25, 2017

There is a small Free Library on my block, often it is empty, the contents eagerly consumed by the literate, or bored.

The two men who regularly take their slumber under the salty lights, with newspaper pillows, and cardboard beds, carry paperbacks harvested from this tiny box. Worn favorites by Koontz, Grisham and Cussler offer an escape from the long, slow, street-wise hours.

But today, a non-fiction work titled “The End of Poverty” languishes prominently on the shelf, though it has a forward by Bono.

A few steps further and I see a $500,000 bill lying unspent and discarded in the weeds.

The end of poverty, indeed.

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2 Replies to “Morning Walk October 25, 2017 – The End of Poverty”

  1. All in all, not a bad free library. I usually only find romance novels, religious literature and unread hardcover biographies of forgotten celebrities.

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