Morning Walk December 12, 2017 – Traveling Horn Dog

It’s quiet on the street today, already people are breaking, settling, leaving for the winter, though it will get much colder.

Where would you go, if you could go anywhere? They make steel in Vietnam.

And how would you get there? By boat? Or would you go the old fashioned way?

But no matter where you go, or how you get there, it’s still you.

The same you…unless you allow the world around you into your heart and let it change you.

But not in a bad way. Because it can. And it will. It’s so hard to stay soft.

But it can be done. You can do it.

What did you see?


My Morning Walk is a brief window into life as I experience and think about it on the day and time indicated. All images are my own, copyrighted, and taken on the walk. If there are any links to purchase something, I may earn a small commission which will help me cover the cost of running this site. Thank you for visiting, it means a lot.