Morning Walk February 20, 2018 – Hand Warmers


This morning, as I walked the Puppy, I saw tiny plastic man wearing only a tiny plastic speedo, lying prone on the sidewalk.

He looked a bit chilly in the 34 degree air and I remembered the half full box of 10 hour disposable handwarmers sitting in the hall.

I filled one of my pockets with a few when I left for the train, determined to give them to people who looked cold.

The first packet went to a person sleeping on the sidewalk underneath some thin blankets. A cardboard box, covered with a dirty sheet made an impromptu headboard.

I left the warmers next to a bottle that said Rolling Rock, but I’m not sure it was beer.

At the train station, I saw a man in a wheel chair, his hands blackened with grime, wrapped in a tattered coat and covered with a blanket, speaking with another man who sat on a pile of cardboard the ground.

“Excuse me for interrupting,” I began, “would you gentlemen like these?”

And I offered a packet to each.

They took them and smiles cracked through layers of woe, as I nodded and turned away.

Two more men, talking in an animated way and smoking cigarettes on a bench, were thrilled with my gift.

“Oh, hand warmers! I can use these!” Said the first with great enthusiasm.

“Thanks a heap!” Said the other, a young man with dreadlocks, “it’s hard when it’s so cold.”

I had no more packets, the air still was chill and the wind harsh, but I felt much warmer.

What did you see?


My Morning Walk is a brief window into life as I experience and think about it on the day and time indicated. All images are my own, copyrighted, and taken on the walk. If there are any links to purchase something, I may earn a small commission which will help me cover the cost of running this site. Thank you for visiting, it means a lot.

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