

Thanks for stopping by and spending some time here. I’m Dia, and this site is my gift to you.

Because Web 3 and the metaverse is such a wild place, and there are so many reasons to distrust people online, I want to start by telling you that DiaSula Frederick, is my Nom de Plume – my pen name.

This site is a labor of love for me, a way for me to share and hopefully inspire you to take action, grow, learn, become the person you want to be and create the world you want to live in.

Not everything I write or offer will resonate with you, but I hope that some of it will. And when it does, I hope that you will share it with others. Take what works, leave what doesn’t.

We live in interesting times. The world feels scarier now, bigger, less certain. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and depressed. I struggle with depression and anxiety myself, and I’ll share those struggles here, too. Because the struggle is what makes us human.

Together, we can change the world. Together we can overcome our challenges. Together we can become our best selves.

A word about my techniques/products/recommendations:

I am a strong believer in science, the scientific method and a critical thinker. I actively question my assumptions and beliefs and will change my mind if strong evidence is presented, but I do not consider the following to be worth engaging in: astrology, numerology, crystal energies, homeopathy and (probably) anything that claims to harness the power of quantum physics for personal health. There’s more, but you get the idea.

The recommended techniques I use may or may not work for you, but they are backed by rigorous science, field testing, OR I have used and benefitted from them myself.

If you decide to try anything out, I recommend giving it a good go before deciding it will or won’t work. Thirty days is usually a reasonable time, if you’re trying to make a change.

Oh, and if you buy anything from this site, there’s the chance that I might get a small commission. This helps cut the cost of my hosting/ email and other expenses, which right now run about $5,000/year.

I’d also love a tip if you feel inspired.

Thanks again for taking the time to read this, I hope you’ll come back and visit often – and please feel free to reach out to me. I love hearing about what you’re doing, what helps, what doesn’t, and where you want to be.



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