September 28, 2018 The Old Fox Deceiv’d

Today’s post features a poem I created this morning via the erasure technique. I didn’t go in with an idea for a poem, and randomly chose this book and this page.

Given the state of the US at the moment, it seems highly relevant.

My transcript below takes some liberties with lines and I’ve added punctuation, but all the words are original to the text.

The Old Fox Deceiv’d

They gave her anything she wanted to make up for the loss

Nothing she did disintegrated

perhaps, “I take it you did not care much”

The Opportunity lit the lowly room, consorting with The Other,

“Shouldn’t you be pertinent?”

It had been the question in your room

I dislike these parties. I am antisocial

Doors opened, beckoned

icy air edged the sea

the waves sucking The House

My path connects up with these steps, joins up with The Seawall

The easiest way to come around


My Morning Walk is a brief window into life as I experience and think about it on the day and time indicated. All images are my own, copyrighted, and taken on the walk. If there are any links to purchase something, I may earn a small commission which will help me cover the cost of running this site. Thank you for visiting, it means a, and this page in the book, without reading it knowing anything about them.


My Morning Walk Friday, May 11, 2018 – SEATAC

Up early this morning, but not to walk, I catch a northbound plane and landfor the first time in Seattle.

The layover is two hours long, so exploration is in order. The airports of my youth, before the terrorists, before security theater, were emotionally exciting, but situationally boring: Filled with lovers parting, families reuniting, frustrated, tired passengers. The range of human experience displayed in long corridores of endless grey tile punctuated by the occasional bar and overpriced ‘duty-free’ shop.

And what was a duty then, anyway? Being sheltered, young, and not well traveled, the concept was as foreign to me then as the three letter codes displayed on the ever changing departure boards.

Hints of exotic locales shortened to fit: MEX, SJO, INN, FRA, LUX, PRG, BUD, AUS and my own TUC, DEN, LAX. What sort of duty would those places require?

On this trip, things are different. The airports are no longer mere terminals. They now house art museums, music venues, restaurants, massage parlors, exclusive boutiques.

I’m different, too. I know what duty is, what it requires. I’ve paid and been paying it for years and this trip is a payment to myself.

I wander down the brightly lit corridors of SEATAC, enjoying the live acoustic music provided by the local artist set up in front of Starbucks.

It’s Mother’s Day on Sunday, and I find a card that makes me smile and write a note to the woman who I love so dearly my heart nearly breaks when I think of her.

There is an old stamp in my wallet.

It’s Forever, and the Charlie Brown Christmas image on it will do: Linus with his blanket and thumb looking at a scraggly little branch of a tree.

My duty paid, my flight is boarding, I pop the card into the post box and bid farewell.

What did you see?


My Morning Walk is a brief window into life as I experience and think about it on the day and time indicated. All images are my own, copyrighted, and taken on the walk. If there are any links to purchase something, I may earn a small commission which will help me cover the cost of running this site. Thank you for visiting, it means a lot.

Wednesday May 23, 2018 – Hubsy Rouge

Hubsy, co-working space Paris, France

I wanted to check this place out, and I was desperate for caffeine, which they provide in unlimited quantities, along with all the cookies and juice and candy you want, for a mere 5 Euros per hour.

I have no idea how they can survive but right now, it works for me. I think Parisians don’t eat or drink much coffee.

For me, I’ve already finished my first cafe longe (double espresso) and am ready for my second, please.

It’s nice here, and today is my last day in the city.

In contrast to the start of every other day on this trip, I did not start out walking much.

Instead, I took the 4 Metro out to nearly the end. A stop called Chateau Rouge. I thought I might walk to Sacre Coeur Basillica, or Moulin Rouge, and just explore a new area.

As I exited the station, I heard an African drum song. The beats were traditional, but the drums were not. It was awesome and I stood in a wonderfully mixed race crowd enjoying it in the bright sunshine.

The neighborhood around us was a much different Paris than what I’ve been experiencing for the past ten days. More like Richmond.

And it made me a little sad that the even in a city as diverse as Paris, the poorest are always broadly defined by their darker skin, and more squalid living conditions.

I walked down the street a bit, past shops selling hair extensions and cheap luggage, discounted for Ramadan. Boarded up store fronts, something I’d not seen in this city before, lined the boulevard.

The walk to the basilica was half a mile, and though the sun was warm and the people friendly enough, I felt weary already.

Perhaps it was the lack of coffee, or the barely repressed crush of poverty pushing at the edges of the polite and wealthy Arrondissements, or the effect of walking so many miles in the past week, or maybe it’s just time to go home.

Whatever the case, I only made it a block or so before I turned around and went back to the Metro, no stomach for the grit of the “real” Paris today.

As I approached the station, the lively drum corps was silent, three National Police officers on bicycles had shown up and were standing there impinging on the fun.

Perhaps they needed a permit to continue and were waiting for someone to fetch it?

Whatever the case, no one looked distressed, but neither were they playing and dancing the Capoeira as they were when I’d walked away just a few minutes earlier.


I was glad to have caught them when I did and recorded their music as part of my Paris experience.

This may be the most profound lesson of travel, and indeed of life: there is no later.

If you run across some music, or the perfect cafe, or a lovely flower in bloom, stop and enjoy it now. There is no later.

What did you see?


My Morning Walk is a brief window into life as I experience and think about it on the day and time indicated. All images are my own, copyrighted, and taken on the walk. If there are any links to purchase something, I may earn a small commission which will help me cover the cost of running this site. Thank you for visiting, it means a lot.

Morning Walk February 20, 2018 – Hand Warmers


This morning, as I walked the Puppy, I saw tiny plastic man wearing only a tiny plastic speedo, lying prone on the sidewalk.

He looked a bit chilly in the 34 degree air and I remembered the half full box of 10 hour disposable handwarmers sitting in the hall.

I filled one of my pockets with a few when I left for the train, determined to give them to people who looked cold.

The first packet went to a person sleeping on the sidewalk underneath some thin blankets. A cardboard box, covered with a dirty sheet made an impromptu headboard.

I left the warmers next to a bottle that said Rolling Rock, but I’m not sure it was beer.

At the train station, I saw a man in a wheel chair, his hands blackened with grime, wrapped in a tattered coat and covered with a blanket, speaking with another man who sat on a pile of cardboard the ground.

“Excuse me for interrupting,” I began, “would you gentlemen like these?”

And I offered a packet to each.

They took them and smiles cracked through layers of woe, as I nodded and turned away.

Two more men, talking in an animated way and smoking cigarettes on a bench, were thrilled with my gift.

“Oh, hand warmers! I can use these!” Said the first with great enthusiasm.

“Thanks a heap!” Said the other, a young man with dreadlocks, “it’s hard when it’s so cold.”

I had no more packets, the air still was chill and the wind harsh, but I felt much warmer.

What did you see?


My Morning Walk is a brief window into life as I experience and think about it on the day and time indicated. All images are my own, copyrighted, and taken on the walk. If there are any links to purchase something, I may earn a small commission which will help me cover the cost of running this site. Thank you for visiting, it means a lot.

Morning Walk February 12, 2018 – Farrah on Monday

The streets are strangely empty and quiet today. The city still asleep.

Birds decorate the lamp posts as languid clouds float across a cold blue sky.

At the corner, a woman with Farrah Faucet hair and leather pants clips neatly across the asphalt.

It is 740 of a Monday, as I’m heading for the train.

What did you see?


My Morning Walk is a brief window into life as I experience and think about it on the day and time indicated. All images are my own, copyrighted, and taken on the walk. If there are any links to purchase something, I may earn a small commission which will help me cover the cost of running this site. Thank you for visiting, it means a lot.

Morning Walk December 12, 2017 – Traveling Horn Dog

It’s quiet on the street today, already people are breaking, settling, leaving for the winter, though it will get much colder.

Where would you go, if you could go anywhere? They make steel in Vietnam.

And how would you get there? By boat? Or would you go the old fashioned way?

But no matter where you go, or how you get there, it’s still you.

The same you…unless you allow the world around you into your heart and let it change you.

But not in a bad way. Because it can. And it will. It’s so hard to stay soft.

But it can be done. You can do it.

What did you see?


My Morning Walk is a brief window into life as I experience and think about it on the day and time indicated. All images are my own, copyrighted, and taken on the walk. If there are any links to purchase something, I may earn a small commission which will help me cover the cost of running this site. Thank you for visiting, it means a lot.

Morning Walk October 27, 2017 – Taste the Rainbow

Today I saw a man with a grey handle bar mustache and a receding hairline, reading a newspaper on a bike.

A woman with a ponytail wore a raccoon costume. Her backpack bounced heavily on her shoulders as she loped toward the train.

The conductor slowed the line to the platform with a big smile and bigger bag of candy.

What did you see?


Morning Walk October 25, 2017 – The End of Poverty

October 25, 2017

There is a small Free Library on my block, often it is empty, the contents eagerly consumed by the literate, or bored.

The two men who regularly take their slumber under the salty lights, with newspaper pillows, and cardboard beds, carry paperbacks harvested from this tiny box. Worn favorites by Koontz, Grisham and Cussler offer an escape from the long, slow, street-wise hours.

But today, a non-fiction work titled “The End of Poverty” languishes prominently on the shelf, though it has a forward by Bono.

A few steps further and I see a $500,000 bill lying unspent and discarded in the weeds.

The end of poverty, indeed.

What did you see?


Morning Walk October 5, 2017 – Chicken

News Flash:

The giant metal chicken that terrorized selected neighborhoods last night, causing nightmares and upset stomachs in countless individuals, was caught and dismantled by members of the Cooks Brigade, a group of mild mannered professional fry cooks/mechanics who tirelessly provide sustenance and transportation to the vast and varied citizenry of this great metropolis.

All the remained was the amputated left foot and a greasy napkin.

Details at 11.

What did you see?


Morning Walk October 4, 2017 – Everyday Magic

Two Chinese take-out boxes,
long noodles gone,
flaps open wide and
tucked into a corner as
if an offering to the ancient asphalt gods

A blink and a turn and
two women pass by, their
lively chatter
dancing through
the air.
The oil in their hair a
heavy perfume.

Down the block there is a spot where
The Scarecrow makes his bed.
His long, unkempt hair,
a wild nest without birds.
Not even pigeons come near.
Most days he sits shirtless,
as still as stone or
scraping at sores
with a razor.

But today,
all that is in his place are
a few pieces of clothing and
a pile of hay.


A block over, the
Man is sitting,
Parrot, behind him
ducks down and
puppy emerges from beneath the

The magic is strong in the City today.

What did you see?
