Morning Walk September 22, 2017 – Small Experiment

It is said that the stories we tell ourselves create our realities. The lives we live, based up the interpretations of the experiences we have — or believe we have.

But how can we test such a statement?

It seems a bit woo-woo to suggest that a person, late for a train, for example, can interpret that lateness in a manner different from what her atomically correct, ever updated smart watch tells her.

So, I try a small, decidedly non-scientific experiment.

It begins with noting the usual mantra that runs through my head when I’m late: I’ll make it, but barely.

Normally, I repeat this ceaselessly as I move quickly through the streets, and, to the best of my faulty memory, I am right. Typically I jump on or sit down just as the doors slide closed.

Today, I change the mantra to: I make it, two minutes to spare.

And I do.

Perhaps I’ll try expanding the experiment and see what happens.

How about you?
